—any organization claiming to be representative of people who use drugs without consulting with people who use the drug community in Indonesia and claiming their organization as a representative of people who use drugs in Indonesia for a group interest.

Discontinue !!!

—any agenda-related decriminalization for people who use drugs and realizing the rights to health for people will require not only the removal of harmful and punitive laws, policies, and practices but also the appropriate funding for people who use drugs activity in Indonesia.

As we move along the critical phase of organizational conflict, We have fallen behind in Narcotics and AIDS Response in pushing forward our movement to be significant action to put rights to health for People who use drugs in Indonesia as part of the National Development Plans agenda.


—IDUNET and people who use drugs in Indonesia through these critical facts by involving partners and sponsors in Indonesian AIDS and narcotics-related response. With or without others, IDUNET has been working on related drug issues, although we seem to lack support. Together, community leadership should be seen as opportunities and transformation action for drug user rights. Indonesian Drug User Network has 53 members to get support and legitimacy from parties, especially from people who use the drug community.


 —to ensure that service is accessible for the needs and preferences of people who use drugs in all diversity.

—to establish partnerships with all real organizations related to drug issues and harm reduction in Indonesia.

—to advocate for the improvement of state policies for all people who use drugs in Indonesia.

The Indonesian Narcotics Law (UU) has criminalized and discriminated against drug users and other vulnerable groups. However, not only the policies— various civil community movements that have emerged so far have oppressed these vulnerable populations, as we have experienced difficulties obtaining public health rights that prioritize our human rights. Movements that act "on behalf of drug users" instead have destroyed the drug users' activism by carrying out project-minded movements, unification of ideology, and discourses that commodify drug users and other vulnerable groups.

As a drug movement organization whose members are individuals from all over Indonesia, the Indonesian Drug User Network (IDUNET) was established on June 19, 2023, born to fulfill justice and democracy based on the 1945 Constitution as the basis of national and state life in Indonesia, and as part of the global movement of drug users and other vulnerable groups in this modern and globalized world.

IDUNET moves for equality and democracy with reference to the December 10, 1948, Declaration of Human Rights (DUHAM), a global statement for the protection of human rights containing 30 articles, where everyone is entitled to the freedoms listed in this declaration without any exceptions. These include the right to life, the right to self-development, the right to justice, and the right to personal freedom. IDUNET is a network that can be accounted for its legitimacy, transparency, and accountability in making a positive contribution to drug users and vulnerable groups, as well as this community and country.


There are at least two laws that form the basis for the protection and upholding of human rights in Indonesia, namely Law No. 9 of 1999 concerning Human Rights and Law No. 26 of 2000 concerning the Human Rights Court, as a reference for organizations to gather, associate, and organize as Indonesian citizens. This right is an essential condition for realizing the fulfillment of public health rights that prioritize human rights that are just, prosperous, civilized, inclusive, gender-sensitive, and aimed to realize social justice for all Indonesian people. As such, of course, this aim should not exclude marginalized groups, especially drug users and other vulnerable groups.

However, in reality, drug users and other vulnerable groups in Indonesia, as well as related grassroots movements, have become the victims of injustice and have experienced various forms of physical and psychological violence and social exclusion, and their welfare is still considered second-class citizens whose rights are sidelined by certain individuals, communities, and groups, especially the state. This group also bears an excessive burden, receives stigma and discrimination, is dehumanized and excluded from the social and political arena, is labeled as 'deviants', marginalized and exploited, and becomes a victim and commodity of policies that are not in our favor. Such a situation cannot be allowed to continue because putting aside our rights as Indonesian citizens will threaten the life and safety of our own nation and state.



"The legal argument that is higher than the constitution is called 'SALOS POPULI SUPRIMA LEX': The safety of the people and the state has a higher position than the constitution. If necessary, violate the constitution to save the people and the state."

- Prof. Mahfud M.D.


There is no war without casualties. The war on Narcotics is a war with its people. Stop the war on narcotics because this war is only detrimental to the state and citizens of the Republic of Indonesia.

Stop fighting drug users. Instead, educate the younger generation to understand the effects of drugs.
